Saturday, December 22, 2012

Easy Street Clue 5

A bit of air sewing,
 supervision by Spencer,

 and I've completed the blocks for step 5!

Following Bonnie's steps for marking the small square with pencil from corner to corner worked the best for me, as with trimming only the small triangle section - leaving the back square intact.
These blocks came together pretty easily, and I can hardly wait for step 6!
I keep adding to the spider web blocks between working on Easy street.
 Next I'm going to work on a quilt one of the members of the Quilting Board posted - it sure looks interesting. The tut is Missouri Quilt Co Big Star Quilt,  - - - super simple stars, shouldn't take too long to do. 


  1. I wonder if we will be joining units together this week. Can't wait! Merry Christmas.
