Monday, December 3, 2012

Easy Street Step 2

I worked away on my step 2 blocks as soon as the clue came out - rather than working in my living room on my Viking sewing machine, I decided to go to work in my extra bedroom where I keep my stash. I wanted to keep all the mess creativity in one place.
I set up my old "White" sewing machine and started piecing my blocks.
This was my first sewing machine, given to me by my grandmother when I graduated from high school back in the 70's. It was used then, and until now I really never thought of checking out how old it is, but it works great, and since it was a gift of love from my grandmother lots of great memories have been coming to mind. The table it sets into is one my father gave me way back when too. It really is nice having the work surface at the correct height.
 As I worked on the blocks I've been listening to a very good book which really fit into the whole family feeling I was having - "The Friday Night Knitting Club", (downloaded free
from the library).
******************These are my Easy Street Blocks!******************
My Flying Geese are, upside down - I guess they are flying south for the winter!

Getting ready for the next step are the 2" x 3.5" blocks.

Along with my Easy Street quilt, I've decided to work on a spiderweb just to keep me going between clues.
Looking forward to the next clue from Bonnie!


  1. Hooray for you. I am working on Orca Bay in between. Trying to get it finished before the last clue for Easy Street is published.

  2. Keep at it. You are making some lovely stuff. I love your little friend in the corner, and the guy at the end of the blog - I know what will be on my list this Christmas!

  3. Loving your geese - I'm in the south, I'll keep a lookout for them. :)
