Monday, January 30, 2012
Three more Jane blocks completed today!
I haven't been pushing on this as fast as I had the Orca Bay quilt - lots of thought goes into what scraps to use from my stash, shouldn't be that difficult, but I want this to somewhat resemble Jane's work of art.
None of the blocks are cut to size yet - I've read to wait till you're ready to put them together - also, with the paper pieced blocks, I've left them on the paper.

Thursday, January 26, 2012
A few more Jane Blocks

So far the blocks really aren't too difficult - I've been PP'ing, but as I look at some of the upcoming blocks, OMG!
I'll keep plugging away, if I just can't get it done, please - FORGIVE ME :)
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Orca Bay Top COMPLETE!!!!
I worked on the boarders off and on all day today, so glad I didn't have to go to work and could make this milestone!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
On with the next project *** DEAR JANE ***

At this time I'm thinkng I'll be using pinks and burgandy, rose colors. Hard to say if I'll be sticking with that as I continue with this new / old project.
Getting Closer
I've finally gotten all the center blocks sewn together - they're beautiful if I do say so myself - - - I used Bonnies color pallet, using more light sea blues than to the navy colors. On with the borders in the next few days!
As I looked at the quilt on the diagonal before I sewed it together, it was easier to spot my placement errors.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Looking for the final clue!
How wonderful to have the day off of work. I hoped to sleep in, and get up to work on my Orca with the final clue being given today - NO WAY could I sleep in knowing we would get that clue. now here I am, got up at 6:00 and waiting for the clue! Bonnie has gotten me hooked, wonder when the next mystery quilt will be out???
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